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A wearable and digitally programmable metronome for musicians

                2 month project at Soundbrenner, Summer 2017, Hong Kong

                                     Worked in a startup environment in an interdisciplinary team of engineers

Arrow Down.png


Rhythm is crucial to musical practice.  The Soundbrenner Pulse is a wearable that provides musicians with customisable tempos tapped directly onto the top face or programmed through the app.  Multiple players can also sync their devices to practice together.

02 Context 1.jpg

Wrap around effect

Soundbrenner worn over the chest

02 Context 4.jpg

Soundbrenner worn on the wrist

02 Context 3.jpg

Tapping the face to set the rhythm

02 Context 2.jpg

Programming rhythm via Soundbrenner's app


The Soundbrenner Pulse produces rhythm through haptic feedback.  Strong haptic feedback is critical for louder musical environments or for instruments that produce more vibration when played.  I was tasked with optimising the design of the Soundbrenner Pulse to increase vibration strength.  I conducted extensive research on increasing vibration strength ranging from component configuration to material changes.


I tested several methods of optimising vibration strength.  Various ERM vibration motors and component configurations were tested.  Structural components such as the device casing and the vibration motor housing were 3D printed using fused deposition and stereolithography.

04 Prototyping 1.jpg

Wrap around effect

Soundbrenner worn over the chest

04 Prototyping 2.jpg

Soundbrenner worn on the wrist


I designed a test jig to assess the relative vibration strength of each prototype.  The frame was 3D printed and connected to rubber bands to allow the prototype to vibrate freely in space.  An accelerometer was secured to the top of each prototype to detect the vibration strength.

05 Testing 1.png

Wrap around effect

Soundbrenner worn over the chest

05 Testing 2.jpg

Soundbrenner worn on the wrist


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